Thursday, November 19, 2009

Things to Know About Me....

Here are somethings I want you to know about me:

1. I am not stupid, I am wounded. Please respect me.

2. Come close, speak slowly, enunciate clearly and give me more than 10 seconds to respond. It could take me a couple minutes to find my words.

3.Be as patient with me the twentieth time you teach me something as you were the first.

4. Approach me with an open heart and slow your energy down. Take your time.

5. Be aware of what your body language and facial expressions are communicating to me.

6. Make eye contact with me, I am here -come find me. Encourage me.

7. Please don't raise your voice-I'm not deaf, I'm wounded

8. ouch me appropriately and connect with me.

9. Introduce me to the world kinesthetically. Let me feel everything. (I am an infant again.)

10.Teach me with monkey-see, monkey-do behavior.

11. Trust me I am trying-just not with your skill level or on your schedule.

12. Do not assess my cognitive ability by how fast I can think.

13. Speak to me directly, not about me to others.

14. Cheer me on. Expect me to recover completely, even if it takes twenty years.

15. Trust that my brain can always continue to learn.

16. Remember that i have to be proficient at one level of function before I can move on to the next level.

17. Celebrate all of my little successes. They inspire me.

18. Focus on what I can do rather than bemoan what I cannot do.

19. Introduce me to my old life. Don't assume that because I cannot play like I used to play that I won't continue to enjoy music or an instrument, etc.

20. Remember that in an absence of some functions. I have gained other abilities.

21. Love me for who I am today. Don't hold me to being the person I was before. I have a different brain now.

22.Be protective of me but do not stand in the way of my progress.

1 comment:

Fezia said...

How True... may I share this with my clients ? Beautiful!!!