Friday, November 13, 2009

I Spy With My Crossed Eyes...........................

I think we have figured it out. Figured out what therapy Joey needs to regain his eyesight. We still can't tell exactly how much Joey can see, but he is seeing much better. He is tracking more, and focusing a lot more on what is in front of him. I believe it is the Stem Cell Therapy with a little help from the Sensory Learning Therapy we are doing now. I know a child who regained her eyesight from the Sensory Learning Therapy. I also know many kids who have regained their eyesight from the Stem Cells. I see that Joey is responding to both. I am planning on taking JOey to Costa Rica in April for more Stem Cell Therapy. Keep your fingers or eyes crossed. hee hee hee

1 comment:

Gayle said...

Our toes are crossed too.......

Cousin Gayle