Thursday, August 28, 2008


Yesterday I thought I heard Joey say "MOM, but I wasn't sure because he makes a lot of different sounds. Although I heard him say it a few times and each time he said it, he seemed to use it in the right context. Then this morning he said it a couple more times and I began to believe that he was really saying it to me. He would say it when he was mad. At therapy he was crying because he had to work really hard. He looked up toward me and stopped crying for a second and said "MOM". The therapist look at me and I grabbed Joey and gave him a big hug. Of course he stopped crying. So Joey's new word is "MOM". 

Yeah! Joey!


Gayle said...

We bet that one word was one of the best you ever heard!!!!!

So happy to hear of Joey's continued progress!!

Hope this comment reaches you. My last one never showed up...??

Cousin Gayle

Anonymous said...

That is so AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kelly said...

THAT IS WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a great weekend "Mom"!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness that is the most wonderful news. Wow that must have made your heart melt.