Saturday, August 9, 2008

The end of the first week of Neuro suit therapy was.......................

INCREDIBLE! Joey has been doing great. He has been sitting very good. Standing in his modified stander great and has begun to crawl with help. He is all stretched out and loose. I realized that I need to work with him more during the day. It took Michelle a couple days to loosen him up. On Friday with help from his therapist Michelle, Michelle was holding him at his waist for balance, Joey began to crawl on his own. He crawled like a normal baby would. He moved his opposite arm and leg at the same time. I almost fell over and Michelle felt like crying. It was a great end to a great and tiring week. 

This is my schedule for the next 2 weeks:
We wake at 5:30 and on the road by 6:15, in El Segundo by 7:15, eat breakfast, get a diaper change and begin therapy at 8:00. Then at 11:00 I have lunch for a half hour and continue therapy from 11:30 to 2:00 with no breaks. On Monday and Wednesday I get accupunture from 2-2:30, and Tuesday and Thursday I get Biofeedback for 45 minutes, then on the road to Santa Monica for an hour of HBOT from 3:30-4:30. Then we head home and get home around 5:30. Eat dinner and bed at 7:30. Although when mom gets home she still has to cook dinner, clean house and catch up on all her daily things. Then she's allowed to go to bed about 9:00.

I will post pics soon of Joey the first week.

1 comment:

Gayle said...

The Las Vegas rooting section is praying that Joey will go from crawling to walking with continued therapy!!!!

Julie, I've said it before and will say it again, you totally AMAZE me with your love and determination...... Remember to take care of yourself!!!

Cousin Gayle