Monday, August 11, 2008

Reality Hits Again!

We have begun our second week of Neuro suit therapy. At the beginning of the first week, Joey was very very tight. It took a couple days to loosen him up. So I thought that he would be fine going into the second week of therapy. I was mistaken. He was just as tight again. I  thought that taking a break from therapy in the month of July wouldn't matter much.  It was just a sad reminder that Joey will always need therapy, he will always need to be worked on, whether it's me or the therapists. The center we are at, there are 7 other kids going through treatment. All the kids have Cerebral Palsy. Most of the children have done the therapy before. They have all improved, but are still severely disabled. So it hit me today. It hit me again that Joey will always have issues and I will always have to work with him. I just pray that I will have the energy and strength always to be able to do this. It has only been a year and a half and I have had several moments of needing a break. And that break has caused Joey to get very tight and even regress in some areas. I hope that this reality has showed me that I have to be less selfish in needing a break and work more for Joey. I know many of you are thinking less selfish, how can I think that I'm being selfish. Well many times I feel this way. Whether I am or not. Well, Hopefully this will pay off in the end and as the years go by I will be able to take that break, eventually.


Makenzies Miracle said...

A BREAK!!! What is that!! LOL! I feel that way all of the time! It is so hard to push on all of the time!!! We can do it! With lots of support from our family and friends...close and far!! What you are doing is and will continue to help Joey! Keep up the good work!

jenfoor said...

Oh Julie have I felt that way before...and then another mom I know (her daughter is a near drown as well) told me that sometimes we just need to be moms to our kids and that is what they need from us too, not therapists, doctor, teacher...etc...they work so much all the time for others they don't want to do it for their "safe haven" too, you know? that is what therapists, teachers and doctors are getting paid for. so you aren't being selfish you are just doggone tired girl!! I know our circumstances are different and Marissa's recovery has been different than Joey's but my heart has felt your pain before and I wanted to tell you that..I know we need to continue the work at home for our children to make improvements, but a break here and there is may need to bring in some outside help to fill in the gaps at get that reprieve for yourself..I hope you have more great weeks ahead in suit!! Marissa is still very tight as well and she's completely mobile, we have to massage her and work out her hips and the tone in her foot daily to get her lose for her days activities..God bless.
Jennifer Foor
cp marissafoor

Gayle said...

I wrote yesterday,but for some reason my comment didn't go through??

You are one of the most UNSELFISH people ever!!!!! Your dedication and love for your entire family is amazing.

The strength of both you and Joey will be rewarded.

Cousin Gayle (sorry if this is a repeat of my original comment if it shows up)