Saturday, August 22, 2009

Side Effects to Stem Cell Therapy

Joey has had 4 Stem Cell injections so far. He still has 2 more next week and then he is done and we come home.

I have had many people ask what type of side effects could Joey experience from the procedures. Well during all my research, no one had any negative side effects to report. I still don't have any negative side effects to report either. 

Amongst all the people here we have agreed that there are side effects. 

1) Everyones appetite has increased (including non patients, LOL!). Joey eats 3x the amount of breakfast he normally eats and then continues to eat every 2 hours after that. He is going to gain 10lbs from this trip. 

2) Another side effect is after the injections all the patients seem to have increased energy. No one can sleep that night after the injection. So that keeps the rest of us awake. We then play Ping Pong throughout the night.

3) Also after the spinals, they have sore backs. Nothing Motrin can't cure.

Well that's all to report today.



Gayle said...

Sounds like everyone there will need lots of exercise and sleep when they get back home!!!

Cousin Gayle

Ray mumme said...

Congratulations on making the right decision.
When you get back I think you would might want to learn about a product that releases your own adult stem cells on a daily basis from your bone marrow without doing a spinial tape. It is a dietary supplement call StemEnhance you can release 3.5 million cells for about $1.50 doing this every day and more if needed would be great and you do not deplete them this way. This has all been oriven with science, Peer review studies.

Warm Regards,
Ray Mumme

Anonymous said...

I'm interested in stem cell therapies because a loved one is considering using it. I came across your blog and the comment by @Ray mumme.

A quick search online for his product led me to the article:

Please be careful of miracle cures! Do your research and think through carefully.


Anonymous said...

My mother had her 1st stem cell infusion today she suffer's from Parkinson's Disease and has been going down hill very quickly we hope we made the right decision with stem cell treatment. Any information will help hearing from anyone who has the pros and the cons on this matter. My mom is 72 and still has alot to live for. Please feel free to contact me at I would love to hear from you all.

rob aguilar said...

My four year old daughter suffered a near drowning accident in July of 09. I'm so glad to see Joey progressing so well in his recovery. I know it is a long battle and some days are better than others. Sofia is doing well everyday she shows us how strong she is. We just returned from a trip to Costa Rica where Sofia underwent stem cell treatment. Now we just have to wait and pray for positive results from the treatment. I wanted to know how many HBOT sessions Joey had.