Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Orthopedic Appt.

With all of the doctors I take Joey to, the orthopedic makes me the most nervous and anxious. One of the things when it comes to Joey's body we have to watch out for are his hips dislocating and scoliosis. These two are the most common problems physically when it comes to kids with brain injury.

There are some therapies that will help prevent these issues from occurring. Weight baring on his legs, stretching his legs and hips and laying on his tummy. I try to do these all day with him. I have become very cautious with how his body is positioned.

So as I am driving down to the appt., I begin to freak out. I think 'what if this happens', 'what if that happens', 'what if, what if'. During his appt. I lay him on the xray table as I try to sneak a peek of the xrays (like I can really read them). Then back to the room to wait and wait and wait. It seems like forever, but has been only about 10 minutes. Doctor walks in really fast and says........................................"It's all ok, no scoliosis and his hips are perfect." Then she walks out. So all my nervousness and he is fine. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

Doctor likes what she sees. His calf's have stretched out nicely from the botox back in May. In March we are going to Botox his calfs again to prevent them from getting tight again. We are also going to botox his hamstrings and abductors. He will get a brace to wear at night to stretch his abductors while the botox is in effect.

I can't tell you how relieved I am. No more worries until next year.

1 comment:

Gayle said...

Good news!!!!

Love the new look of the site!

Cousin Gayle