Sunday, November 23, 2008


Approximately 9 months ago, Joey and I started a program called AIAHP (Australian Institute of Achievement of Human Potential). This program involves therapists from Australia coming out to assess Joey and put together a home based program. I am given a home program to work with Joey that involves PT, OT, ST, Vision, Sensory, Oral Motor and Intellect. Every 6 months, give or take a few months, the group comes out again to reassesse Joey. During their first assessment, all of what Joey can do is charted. During his reassessment the improvements are also charted. It can take many years for kids to advance along this chart. There are 6 categories on this chart, example: Gross Motor, Fine Motor, Visual, Auditory, etc.  This weekend, Joey had his reassessment. 

GREAT NEWS, he moved up the chart in three different areas. He also gained 35 new functional behaviors. YEAH!

I can't say that it was all due to this program alone. I believe it was due to the combination of his HBOT, Neuro suit, Tomatis , biofeedback and Equestrian therapy and basic Physical and Occupational therapy. 

I'm pleased to know that all the time and effort and hard work Joey and I and our family put into helping Joey is working.  We still have many years and hard work and levels on the chart to climb, but we are up for the task.



Anonymous said...

Well done Joey and family. You guys have come such a long way.

Liz and Ashleigh

Anonymous said...

You both look so cute in this picture.

Grandma Marleen

Gayle said...


Really great news - all of you are working so hard!!!! Keep fighting!!!

Cousin Gayle