Friday, January 15, 2010

3 Years Ago Today.................................

3 Years Ago Today................. my life changed forever. I lost my son that I loved for 9 months of pregnancy and 18 months of life. I watched my child die right in front of me. 3 Years Ago Today................... was the last time I heard him laugh or cry or smile or walk or play or feed himself as a typical child. 3 Years Ago Today................... our family was changed forever. We lost the people who we were. The light blew out in our beings. 3 Years Ago Today ...................... OUR JOURNEY BEGAN.

Over the last 3 years I have grieved the son I lost and rejoiced in the fact that I still had a child. I have adjusted to our new life. I have learned to appreciate our journey and make it happy. However, I am still trying to figure out how to turn the light back on within us. Each year I'm getting closer. I have learned a lot about life these last three years. I have met some wonderful people, who without them along my journey, I would have not survived.

However, no matter what, no matter what I still have, no matter what I learned, no matter what I have gained. I would trade it in less then a split second to have my typical son back.

I love my son Joey. I love all his abilities and appreciate all he has and if he did not improve any more from today on, then I will still be very very happy. However, I will continue to do everything in my ability to help his quality of life and to always work on bringing back the light in our selves.

I posted a few posts ago a little summary of the last three years. I also posted videos. You can also go to to see pictures showing our journey as far back as three years ago.

Thank you all for caring for Joey and us. Your thoughts and prayers are always welcomed and appreciated.

Love always


Kelly said...

I love your honesty, strength and you are such an inspiration! Hugs to your family

Kimberly said...

Hi! My name is Kimberly. I found your blog via the Exceptional Parents facebook page. My daughter, Matilda "Tilly", has a rare genetic condition which effects the cerebellum known as Joubert Syndrome. I look forward to getting to know Joey and you better and also to being a part of a caring community for you! Regards, Kimberly