Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Great Month So Far!

So far September has been a great month. Joey started pre-school three days a week and is having a great time. He finger paints and sponge paints, he plays with blocks and sing songs at circle time. Of course his aide sits with him and moves his hands to do all the fun stuff. He is also put in a gait trainer (a gait trainer is a supportive walker) for recess time. He walks all over the playground. Boy does he just knock out for a great nap after school. I don't think I have seen him sleep so hard before. 

Also in Sept. we have had two doctor appts. The first was his Orthopedic. Something that we have to keep an eye on with Joey is that he doesn't get scoliosis and his hips don't dislocate. He had an xray done on his back and hips and they are completely fine. No issues. Then we went to the Opthamologist. The doctor said that he can see. He just doesn't use his eyes together to see, meaning one eye is looking one direction looking at something and the other eye is checking something else out. So the messages that the eyes send through the brain is getting all mixed up. Although there has been many times when Joey has used both his eyes together. This will get better as his brain continues to heal and grow.

So good month so far. I still have two more doctor appts. this month.


Gayle said...

Everything you wrote sounds SO encouraging!!!! The Vegas part of Joey's family is sending positive thoughts all the time that he will fully recover from his accident.

The news about his vision is awesome.

Cousin Gayle

Corbinleeproject said...

Hi Julie,

Have you seen the lasor light I have been using with Corb, maybe that would be worth trying with Joey.
