Monday, June 23, 2008

So Much Going On...............................

Well life has been busy at the Stafford House.  Since my last update, we have moved into a new house. Mommy and Daddy are still unpacking. I have my own bedroom and therapy room. My brother also has his own. YAY! Our backyard is like a park. My doggies love it. 

In the beginning of May I started the HBOT. That has helped a lot. I think my eyesight is starting to come back a little more. The HBOT doctor noticed that my left eye was focusing a lot. I guess my mommy can't really tell until I can track objects, but something is going on with my eyes. I also have not used my g-tube for water or feedings or for that matter anything in about 3 weeks. My mommy has also decreased almost all my meds. I am only on a little of Vallium once a day.

Other exciting news, I start pre-school in the fall. I will be going three days a week and will be getting my therapy at school. However, it's not enough therapy and so my mommy will have to pay for additional therapy for me a couple times a week. Insurance doesn't cover a lot. I will begin the suit therapy again in Aug. for three weeks. Hopefully they will get me to crawl and sit and stand by myself for a little bit.

Well that's about it for now. You link on the sidebar link that say My Pictures to see pics of me.

Happy Summer Time.


Gayle said...

Hi Everyone, congratulations on moving into your new home!!!

Great news about the possible vision improvement, we pray that it continues.

SHCOOL!!! What an adventure that will be!!!

This new site is beautiful, don't know how you do all this stuff Julie!!!

Cousin Gayle

Anonymous said...

Joey Joey We are very happy to hear that something could be changing to improve your vision and that you are still doing HBOT. Suit therapy in August, school and more therapy in the fall sounds very promising and exciting for you.

God bless you precious Joseph.
Sacramento Nana & Uncle Dan